
“There are more than 24 hours in a day, if there needs to be.” Andy Warhol starred in ‘Making…

Posted April 30, 2018

“There are more than 24 hours in a day, if there needs to be.” Andy Warhol starred in ‘Making Visible,’ an exploration of communications theory, by ESI Design founder Ed Schlossberg. This is the last week to see the radical film and the rest of the Dilexi series at @mcevoyarts. Tag your friends in #SanFrancisco, and go, go, go!
#esidesign #esipeople #edwinschlossbergart #dilexi #dilexiseries #sf #kqed #mfa #mcevoyarts #andywarhol #annahalprin #frankzappa #robertfrank #art #videoart #SFart #SFevents #freeevents #bayarea #film #videoart #tv #television #communicationstheory

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ESI Design

NBBJ’s New York experience design studio, ESI Design, transforms places into experiences that seamlessly weave the physical and digital worlds together.

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