Our Work

At Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, pediatric patients are welcomed with a sense of

comfort, belonging, and adventure.

A first-of-its-kind experience that assures children they are not alone, and need not be afraid.

Arriving at a hospital can be overwhelming, especially for children. At Loma Linda University Children's Hospital (Watch Video Here), young patients and their loved ones are greeted by Loma Land, an idyllic, interactive forest filled with friendly animals. Loma Land replaces anxiety with creativity, puts kids at ease, and seeks to elevate their overall well-being. Colorful “creation stations” invite pediatric patients to select a forest animal and customize it with bright colors and whimsical accessories. When the animal is “released into the wild," it playfully interacts with its child and animals created by other patients. Utilizing advanced motion sensors and powered by a video game software engine, Loma Land's colorful creatures, rustling plants, and gentle sounds reflect LLUCH's values of empathy and connection to nature. Loma Land imbues a sense of play and familiar technology into the healthcare environment for pediatric patients across a wide range of physical and cognitive abilities. Made possible through 100% donor funding, it showcases the power of community support in transforming the hospital experience.

Experience Design



Data Visualization








Staff Training






“There is something extraordinary about working on a project that has the potential to make children feel less alone when visiting our hospital. The thought of being able to bring joy and comfort to these young patients is not only rewarding but humbling.”

Rachelle Bussell, MA, RN, CFRE

Senior Vice President for Advancement
Loma Linda University Health


Loma Land

Loma Linda, CA • 2023

At Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital, pediatric patients are welcomed with a sense of

comfort, belonging, and adventure.

A first-of-its-kind experience that assures children they are not alone, and need not be afraid.

Arriving at a hospital can be overwhelming, especially for children. At Loma Linda University Children's Hospital (Watch Video Here), young patients and their loved ones are greeted by Loma Land, an idyllic, interactive forest filled with friendly animals. Loma Land replaces anxiety with creativity, puts kids at ease, and seeks to elevate their overall well-being. Colorful “creation stations” invite pediatric patients to select a forest animal and customize it with bright colors and whimsical accessories. When the animal is “released into the wild," it playfully interacts with its child and animals created by other patients. Utilizing advanced motion sensors and powered by a video game software engine, Loma Land's colorful creatures, rustling plants, and gentle sounds reflect LLUCH's values of empathy and connection to nature. Loma Land imbues a sense of play and familiar technology into the healthcare environment for pediatric patients across a wide range of physical and cognitive abilities. Made possible through 100% donor funding, it showcases the power of community support in transforming the hospital experience.

“There is something extraordinary about working on a project that has the potential to make children feel less alone when visiting our hospital. The thought of being able to bring joy and comfort to these young patients is not only rewarding but humbling.”

Rachelle Bussell, MA, RN, CFRE

Senior Vice President for Advancement
Loma Linda University Health